You've Got Talent
Your own talent, as well as the collective talent within your organization. But determining how & when to grow, develop, and channel that talent towards a larger purpose isn’t always a simple process.
At JWJ Consulting, we’ve spent 20 years developing others through coaching and facilitation. We use insights gleaned from theory and experience to produce tangible results for individuals and organizations.
We Employ Research-Validated
Tools and Methodologies
We offer individual career and leadership coaching services that are customized to the unique needs of each client.
For some clients, engagements follow an orderly coaching process that makes use of tangible tools; for others, a looser approach based on a series of fluid interactions is more appropriate.

You May Find Yourself:
- searching for a career that you will love
- transitioning into a new leadership role
- an experienced leader seeking independent counsel
- in an unexpected job transition
- a recent graduate navigating the “real world”
Whatever you're hoping to accomplish, you set the pace and we will help you take the steps to reach your goals.
Your Organization
While success within your own career is vital, the success of your organization is even more critical.
We offer the following services to meet your organizational needs:
Executive coaching for your high-potential new leaders and/or existing leadership team
Custom development and facilitation of group learning events
Public speakers for your group or association
Bringing in an outsider can feel like a leap of faith, but it doesn’t have to. We will walk you through a step-by-step pre-event consultation process to ensure that when coaching or facilitation services are delivered, you know exactly what to expect.
How to Find a Career Coach
Choosing the right coach is important, and this article from Fortune magazine offers 9 tips to ensure that you choose the right professional to aid in your journey.
The NCDA Career Services Practitioner Comparison Chart also provides parameters that will help to ensure you find the right career coach for your particular needs.